Monday, January 21, 2008

The Spanish- American War: Causes

Spain was fighting a guerrilla war, and had started using a Reconcentration Policy in order to sort the good from the bad. Unfortunately, Spanish colonists were herded into little rooms with bad food, clothing and shelter.

A large portion of the Cuban sugar plantations were also American, so the Spanish American War protected American economic interests. Also, "Yellow Journalism", or newspapers featuring highly exaggerated stories, also helped promote and begin the war.

However, what truly sparked the Spanish- American war was the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor, Cuba. Americans across the country believed that it was Spain's fault. But, later investigation proved that the hull blew out by itself.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Populist Party

During the late 1800's, farmers across America began to suffer from falling crop prices. They began to form farm alliances, eventually creating a new political party called the Populist party. The Democratic party began to support some Populist ideas in order to gain votes.

The 1896 Election ended the Populist Party. The Populists supported the silver standard, or to use silver to make coins. However, supported by President Cleveland, business owners wanted to limit the supply of money in order to keep prices low. The Republican party nominated William McKinley, who was for the gold standard.

William Jennings Bryan, a democrat, made his famous "cross of gold" speech, winning him both the Democratic and Populist nomination for the election. He campaigned around the country, traveling as no one had before, making over 600 speeches.

McKinley, however, stayed at home in Ohio throughout the campaign, but was supported by big businesses, who donated to his cause. He took office in 1897.

Bryan's defeat led to the end of the Populist Party. However, a new group of people, called Progressives, began.