Monday, February 18, 2008

William Howard Taft

After winning against William Jennings Bryan, Taft took office in 1909. However, he had trouble working with Congress and disliked being president.

Under Taft, Congress passed the 16th Amendment, which created income tax. He also set up the Department of Commerce, in addition to the Department of Labor. Communications companies were placed under government control.

Taft was accused of trying to undo Roosevelt's success.

In the election of 1912, Taft ran again, against democratic nomination Woodrow Wilson. The Progressives wanted Roosevelt to run, so he ran as third party, the Progressive Party. However, this party was nicknamed the Bull Moose Party.

Woodrow Wilson had a new plan called the New Freedom. Roosevelt's campaign was called New Nationalism.

Woodrow Wilson won the 1912 election, taking office in 1913.

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